Language Lab

language lab

A language laboratory is a dedicated space for foreign language learner where students access or audio- visual materials. They allow a teacher to listen to and manage student audio, which is delivered to individual students through headsets or in isolated sound booths. It consists of equipments and facilities like single playing machine with earphones for the student or semi – private booths with a tape recorder for each student or sound proof recording studio or merely listening rooms.

Meaning of L.L

The language lab is an electronic device that is designed to help the learning process to become easier the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking have to be practiced.


Robert Ledo,” language laboratory is the centre of language teaching in which restricted environment is provided to students to learn, speak, read and write any language

Components of Lang. Lab

  • Furniture
  • Computers
  • Technology
  • Headset


  1. Effective sound transmission: - Opportunity to hear.
  2. Privacy: - headset/ microphones.
  3. Overcoming shyness: - Encourage talking Feral.
  4. Focused attention: - on the material.
  5. Learning by activity: - pupils observe material & learn this usage.
  6. Developing listening skills: - Pupils learn correct pronunciation.
  7. Self Pacing: - Pupils learn, rectify and improve their own mistakes with the help Of experts.
  8. Self-Pacing: - Lang. Lab. Is a personal tutor for them.
  9. Co-operation:- For Carpeting expediter they need each other.
  10. Developing scientific attitude based on facts.
  11. Efficiency: - In Lab instructor can interact with many learners.
  12. Provides practice: - listening, drills, comprehension & problem solving.

Language lab – 2

Introduction: -

The first language lab was established at the University of “Grenoble in 1908.”

In the 1740s, Linguists at the university of Michigan development the behaviorist audio – lingual method of foreign language learning. This method relied on repeated listening and speaking drills Language labs were well suited to the audio – lingual method. Language laboratory is a deducted space for foreign language learning where students access audio or audio visual materials. This allows a teacher to listen to and manage student audio, which is delivered to individual student through headsets or in isolated sound bath.

What is a language Lab

Four Pillars of language learning are listening speaking, reading and writing skills.

Meaning of language lab:-

A language laboratory is a room lab set up in a school to learn any foreign language in a more effective way, emphasizing a development of speaking and listening skill.

Purpose of language lab:

  • The purpose of a language lab is to involve students to actively participate in language learning exercises and get more practice than the traditional classroom environment.
  • With a language lab all student in the class can speak simultaneously without distraction each other regardless of the class size without, each student gets just than one minute of speaking practice.

Common Components in language lab:-

  1. Computer: - Teacher and student have computer with appropriate software for conducting language exercises.
  2. Headsets: - Teachers and student ear headsets that book outside sounds and disturbance.
  3. Media player/recorder: - student has a media player recorder for listening to audio and recording speech.
  4. Lan (Local area network): - Teacher and students’ position are connected via (local area network) in some cases also via separate audio cabling.
  5. Storage device: - A server computer or a separate storage device is often used to store lesson materials in a digital format.

Importance of language lab:

  • Practice at ones owe pace.
  • Practice without feeling shy.
  • Feedbacks provided through continuous assessments.
  • Learning through PLAY- Way method. Suggestions to carry out the activities of the language lab.
  • Indentify the problem that needs practice.
  • Choose the correct type of drill.
  • Prepare the TAPE/CD script.
  • Make the recording.
  • Check the recording.
  • Evaluate the activity.

Merits of language lab:

  • The students.
  • Can grasp correct English Pronunciation, through a lot practice of the right model.
  • Can detect errors by him.
  • Can learn at his own pace and repeat as many times as he desires.

Demerits of language lab:

  • Development of reading and writing skills has no scope in the language laboratory.
  • More than do students cannot be accommodated in the language lab.
  • Competent native speaker’s speeches are rarely available.

1. Hearing booth (cubicle)

    • There are normally 16-20 booths with tables and seat for learners.
    • Each student has a sound proof compartment called the cubicle.
    • Each cubicle is connected to the consol. (instructor’s booth)
    • Microphones, headphones and recorder are provided.
    • In the console, the learner receives the language teaching programmed selected by the teacher.

2. The Console:-

      • The console is the instructor’s room; it consists of master taper and monitoring equipment for way communication.
      • Distribution switches to enable the instructor to listen to the learners, to correct to advise and evaluate them.
      • Intercom switches for two way communication with an individual learner.
      • Group call switch from inviting attention of all the learners to receive general instructions.
      • All call switch for making announcement to the learners of the programmed.

3. The control room

      • It is basically the recode room.
      • The control room contains all the tapes, records and other equipment, properly indexed for quick use.

Objectives of language lab.

    • To introduce Listening & speaking skills in addition to reading & writing skills in schools.
    • To Practice and asses speech in a language.
    • To listen to model pronunciation, repeat and record the same and do self assessment and correction.
    • To learn at one’s own pace.